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5 Signs Your Aging Parent May Need Care

Having a peace of mind when it comes to your aging parents is something that might be hard to accomplish, but we’re here to help . If you notice any of these warning signs from aging family members, give us a call. A proactive conversation about paying for care could save hours and dollars in the future, while preserving options and assets.

1. Home Condition – Look for signs that keeping up with the home is becoming too much. Are driveways and walks getting shoveled? Is mail piling up? How about the interior? Is the home as tidy as usual? Are laundry and dishes being done? Are contents in the fridge spoiled? Are there any unusual odors in the home?

2. Physical Condition – Look for marked changes in their physical condition. Is your loved one’s personal hygiene suffering? Has there been weight gain or loss? Are energy levels significantly different? Do you notice any bruises or other minor injuries? Is deteriorating eyesight posing more difficulty?

3. Cognitive Condition – Look for signs of forgetfulness, confusion, and emotional changes. Are there late notices or bills that are not being paid? Are familiar tasks or stories harder to remember? Are medications being taken and refilled on time? Do you notice unusual mood changes? Maybe your loved one is more secretive, impatient, or depressed?

4. Mobility Issues – Look for signs that getting around is difficult. Does your loved one struggle to get up and down? Are stairs posing a problem? If they drive, are they navigating roads safely?

5. Just Not Themselves – Changes are common for everyone as we move through life stages. However, if your gut is telling you that something is just not right, don’t wait to make a call. Have a conversation about resources and options today and help your loved one maintain safety, dignity, and quality of life as they age.

If paying for care is in the future for you or a loved one, give us a call today for a free conversation for your options. Whether that care is needed tomorrow or in ten years, the sooner you start the conversation the better.

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Alles Law

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Alles Law

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Alles Law
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