They may need help with bills, doctor’s appointments, or day-to-day needs, and all these things are keeping you up at night. When life takes an unexpected turn, skilled legal guidance allows you to regain certainty and clarity.
When you sit down with our team, we’ll discuss every option available to make life easier for those affected by the diagnosis. It may look like updating powers of attorney, creating a trust, or applying for a guardianship or conservatorship.
Together, we’ll create a support network for your family and find the best solution that protects your assets and values.

When a parent has received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, or another disease that impacts their ability to make decisions, you may feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities that have landed on your lap. Learn from Generation Trust Law Group what documents you need and what you need to consider to take care of those you love.

As parents age, you may notice they need more help with day-to-day decisions and activities. While they still have the capacity to make their own decisions, we want their wishes to be heard. Schedule a meeting to learn how a trust, will, and power of attorney may be the right option at this stage of life.

If the doctor is asking for a power of attorney for your recently diagnosed parent – and they don’t have it – there are still ways you can help them. Learn the different legal options available so you can act in your loved one’s best interest without navigating the legal maze by yourself.

If your parent with a diagnosis has an existing estate plan, it must be reviewed to make sure it has prepared them well for this next stage of life.
Sit down with one of our attorneys to review their plan and see what needs to be updated. Regardless of who created their first estate plan, we will review it for free.
How Do I Start?
Schedule a Meeting
Set up a free conversation to learn how we can help.
Learn Your Options
Together we’ll figure out the best way to protect your loved one.
Experience Relief
We’ll take the lead from here. Know that you are supported every step of the way.