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Estate Planning & Blended Families

There’s a 33% chance that you reading this (yes, you!) are in a blended family. Whether you call yourself a step-parent, child, grandparent, or sibling, we’re sure you’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how you can provide the best future for your family.

And, as the idea of the “traditional family” changes into something more diverse and variable, you need to have more intentional and clarifying conversations – especially when it comes to your estate plan!

Every couple and family we meet has unique priorities and circumstances. Alles Law is here to help you plan for your needs now and into the future. We will walk through what legal tools will fit right into your family’s goals and values.

Here are some blended family considerations to think through:

  • If your spouse dies, will your inheritance go directly to their children, or to you as the surviving spouse?
  • How will your minor children be cared for if you can’t look after them?
  • Who will act as your power of attorney?
  • What assets and property do you want protected for either your spouse or your children?
  • How will you set beneficiary designations for life insurance or investment accounts?
  • Did you update beneficiary designations after your divorce?

Together, we’ll discuss how you can plan for and protect your expansive family. Alles Law’s tailored method provides the assurance that your estate plan is personalized to reflect your situation.

Start the conversation today. Schedule a free consultation to discuss what you need for your blended family.

Planning for the Generations: Millennials

When you picture a Millennial, who do you see? A twenty-something with a coffee in hand, talking about moving to the big city? Well, that might have been the case fifteen years ago! But now in 2023, Millennials are in their 30s and early 40s. It will probably come as a surprise to learn that…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law

Planning for the Generations: Gen X

Generation X: Breaking out of the Middle If you’re thinking, “Generation X…never heard of them,” you’re not alone. Born between the widely-popular Baby Boomers and Millennials, this generation receives less of the spotlight. They’re sometimes even called “America’s middle child.”  But, this forgotten generation has served as the bridge between the aging population and younger…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law

Planning for the Generations: Baby Boomers

“OK, boomer.” I’m sure we all heard this joke running around online for a while. It’s often tacked onto the end of a complaint about someone older struggling with a new app on their phone, or talking about the way “things used to be.” But for all the grief our society gives Baby Boomers, we…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law
Take the first step and schedule your free consultation today.