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Protecting Your Children’s Inheritance From Divorce

We all hope our children will grow up, meet someone special, and that individual will be a part of the family forever. But as we all know, marriages can end and sometimes they end badly. As much as we may want to, we CANNOT spare our children the pain inflicted when a marriage ends. But with proper planning, you CAN protect them from losing their inheritance to an ex-spouse in a divorce. And it’s not difficult to do with a good and experienced estate planning attorney.

Your children probably are not thinking of what will happen to their inheritance in the event of their divorce. But the reality is that nearly half of marriages do end in this way. 

Trusts are an excellent legal tool for protecting your child’s inheritance in the event of divorce, and they provide other benefits as well such as probate avoidance and creditor protection.

Contact us for a free consultation. We are here to answer any questions you have.

Planning for the Generations: Millennials

When you picture a Millennial, who do you see? A twenty-something with a coffee in hand, talking about moving to the big city? Well, that might have been the case fifteen years ago! But now in 2023, Millennials are in their 30s and early 40s. It will probably come as a surprise to learn that…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law

Planning for the Generations: Gen X

Generation X: Breaking out of the Middle If you’re thinking, “Generation X…never heard of them,” you’re not alone. Born between the widely-popular Baby Boomers and Millennials, this generation receives less of the spotlight. They’re sometimes even called “America’s middle child.”  But, this forgotten generation has served as the bridge between the aging population and younger…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law

Planning for the Generations: Baby Boomers

“OK, boomer.” I’m sure we all heard this joke running around online for a while. It’s often tacked onto the end of a complaint about someone older struggling with a new app on their phone, or talking about the way “things used to be.” But for all the grief our society gives Baby Boomers, we…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law
Take the first step and schedule your free consultation today.