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So I’ve Saved for Retirement. Now What?

Ahhh, retirement. The sunshine on your face, the slow mornings, the ample time to explore the places you always wanted to. You dreamt of this leisurely life for 40 years, and now you’re living it.

But what if all this peace and quiet was swept away just because you didn’t plan correctly?

What do you mean if I didn’t plan? I’ve been saving for retirement for years! All I’ve done is plan.

Well, have you considered the best way to protect everything you’ve saved? Are you sure that if the worst happens – like an unexpected diagnosis or death – that you and your family will be able to use all that hard-earned money for what you want: a good quality of life?

The reality is this: 10,000 people turn 65 every day (often called the “Senior Tsunami”). This group makes up our parents, grandparents, neighbors, and you. As you age, you need to consider how well prepared you are for the unexpected changes that life brings.

A well-rounded estate plan doesn’t just give instructions on what to do with your money after you die, it ensures that your money is being spent for your benefit as you age. That can mean preparing to qualify for Medicaid someday, moving into long-term care, or allowing someone you trust to make your financial and medical decisions for you.

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you plan to protect yourself against an unknown future.

  • Who will have control of my assets (bank accounts, home, investments) if I can’t make decisions for myself?
  • Who will make healthcare decisions for me?
  • Does my spouse have the legal right to take care of me?
  • How do I transfer assets correctly to avoid tax issues?

The right estate plan gives your loved ones a legal roadmap on how to make the best decisions for you. No matter your age – 45, 65, or 85 – you want a solid, personalized plan that will protect you. Now you can enjoy the best days of retirement knowing you have protected what you spent a lifetime building!

Planning for the Generations: Millennials

When you picture a Millennial, who do you see? A twenty-something with a coffee in hand, talking about moving to the big city? Well, that might have been the case fifteen years ago! But now in 2023, Millennials are in their 30s and early 40s. It will probably come as a surprise to learn that…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law

Planning for the Generations: Gen X

Generation X: Breaking out of the Middle If you’re thinking, “Generation X…never heard of them,” you’re not alone. Born between the widely-popular Baby Boomers and Millennials, this generation receives less of the spotlight. They’re sometimes even called “America’s middle child.”  But, this forgotten generation has served as the bridge between the aging population and younger…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law

Planning for the Generations: Baby Boomers

“OK, boomer.” I’m sure we all heard this joke running around online for a while. It’s often tacked onto the end of a complaint about someone older struggling with a new app on their phone, or talking about the way “things used to be.” But for all the grief our society gives Baby Boomers, we…

October 16, 2023
Alles Law
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